We had the privilege of meeting a family with a darling baby girl by the name of Darlene Grace...
You see...Baby Grace was born in November, 2009 with a condition by the name of omphalocele, in which she was born with her stomach and intestines on the outside of her body. When she was delivered, her parents were told to "get rid of her" that she wasn't even human. They knew she was a gift from God and refused to do so. Due to lack of knowledge of how to care for this deformity, the hospital simply wrapped up her organs in gauze, which eventually led to a very severe, life threatening infection.
I had actually never heard of this birth defect before, but in researching it, I learned that it occurs worldwide and can generally be corrected fairly easily in countries with the resources to do so. Hence...the problem. Baby Grace was blessed this past January by a Chinese surgeon that happened to be in her home country of Liberia at the time but has since returned to China. He performed a first surgery on her then to save her from the life-threatening infection that had invaded her body. He secured her organs under a thin layer of abdominal skin but said that a second surgery would be required when she turns one, or she would not survive. This doctor, however, had to return to China, and there is not another surgeon in Liberia skilled to perform this type of procedure.
To get to the point...I'm putting this out there in hopes of finding some help for Baby Grace. There is a small group of us working on this, but it's going to take many people to pull this off. In short, this is a very poor Liberian family in need of a miracle for their daughter. This will need to be considered a charity case at all levels! I have met Baby Grace's mother and have spoken with her father (a pastor) by phone. They are wonderful people!
If you have the skill, ability, or know anyone with the skill or ability to help with the following, please contact me at leahgillen89@yahoo.com or through a Facebook message:
1) A surgeon that can gift this type of surgery.
2) A hospital that can gift all services related to this surgery: operating room, staff, pharmacy...the works!
3) Someone to donate air travel for the baby and mother (at minimum)...frequent flyer miles might be an option here too.
4) A host family living close to the hospital where this procedure takes place.
These are just some initial thoughts. This is actually a pretty monumental project to undertake, and we're simply trying to gather as many resource possibilities as quickly as possible. We have been put in contact with a couple of people already, but we're willing to look at anything possible. Please, please pray for Baby Grace and ask God to reveal to you any possible way that you might be able to help with getting her this miracle!
Thank you friends! Be most blessed!