, I'm stealing this blog post idea from my dearest friend over at Prints2Prince. I have to give her all the credit for the idea, because my creativity is running a bit short these days. But, I do think it's great to take a few moments to reflect on those memorable moments of this past year. So, here we go...
A month of birthdays - my own and my daughter's and LOTS and LOTS of family members! We also saw our first taste of snow for the year!
Giving thanks for both of my sweethearts on Valentine's Day! We also had the privilege of celebrating my sweet mother-in-law's birthday in Virginia. The end of February also brought Scrap Camp - a weekend full of scrapbooking with a bunch of fun gals!
We were blessed by another big snow (on March 1 to be exact)! I love snow - as long as the power stays on and it's not too inconvenient! How's that for pickiness? :-) The other big March event was getting to meet Paul Young - author of The Shack!
One of the highlights of April was getting to attend the Easter morning sunrise service at Chimney Rock Park - a first for us! The last day of April brought my foot surgery (still healing from it unfortunately).
Our extended family was blessed by the addition of Jonah Gage Slack. He was born May 6 and "officially" adopted by my brother and his wife on December 21!

We took a family trip to Grandfather Mountain! Leah was in full swing at work on camp, so it was a bit of a rarity to be able to get away as a family for a day trip.
With camp in full session, we had to make another quick getaway for a family day trip. This time - to the Carl Sandburg Home in Flat Rock, NC. I also had a wonderful weekend getaway in Pigeon Forge, TN with some sweet Jesus-loving women from church!
Big month! Vacationed in Myrtle Beach. Our sweet friends - The Propsts - gave us the use of their beach house again for a week. This was also the month that we moved - two streets down! Chris celebrated his birthday on moving day. Not too fun for him unfortunately, but he was a trooper about it - as is his nature ALWAYS!
Had a fun Labor Day Weekend with our dear friends in Hillsborough, NC. The "boys" went fishing and brought home some yummy blue gill for our fish fry to go along with the catfish that Christ scuba dived/spear hunted for (back in June actually). Leah learned to shoot a gun for the first time. Anna had a blast with her baby cousin, Ryan.
September also brought a fun Sunday afternoon picnic and time of apple picking with our Connect Group friends from church.
I also had the privilege of winning some free tickets to Christian Music Day at Carowinds and got to see my favorite artist - Chris Tomlin - in concert. It rained so much that I had to put my camera back in the car before the concert, but I got a few pics while at the park.
I honestly can't believe it, but I can't find any pictures from October! What was I thinking? It must have been a rather dull month - or so busy that I forgot to snap pics. But, I put up enough in September to count for both months.
Actually, we had the privilege of attending the Michael W. Smith concert on October 23 at the Bilo Center in Greenville, SC. Wish I had pictures, but I have wonderful memories of that evening that will last a lifetime!
November brought lots: Anna's first 7th grade band concert, another weekend pre-Thanksgiving gathering with our Virginia family, Christmas lights at the Bristol Motor Speedway, Thanksgiving with our peeps in Hillsborough, Christmas tree hunting, and CMCS (Carolina Mountain Christmas Spectacular) at church. Whew! Busy month! And...that's just the highlights.
My favorite month of the year! In December, we were so blessed to be a part of our church's annual production of Carolina Mountain Christmas Spectacular. We also had the biggest snowfall of the decade on December 18, and of course...the highlight of the month: CHRISTMAS!!!!
Thanks for stopping by (or enduring) my year of memories in pictures! It really has been a great year. I didn't mention all the struggles that also came during 2009, but I choose not to dwell on those. Overall, I realize that I am most blessed, and the blessings are what I choose to focus on!
Stop back tomorrow for the final day of the blogging challenge! Until then...
Be blessed my friends!