Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Can't Sleep...

I'm usually in bed between 10:00-10:30 every night...not tonight, however. The clock just struck midnight a little while ago, and I'm still wide-eyed. I very seldom have trouble sleeping, but it's happened to me twice this week already. I think my mind is simply running away from me. As a perpetual listmaker, I seem to keep making to-do lists in mind. This stems partly from the fact that I've been recovering from foot surgery now for almost two weeks. During that time, work has piled up at the office, chores have piled up at home, shopping needs have had to be put on hold, and the list goes on. Now - I need to stop right here and say that I've had immeasurable help during these two weeks: meals have been provided, laundry has been kept up with by my husband and daughter, co-workers have been working through some of the piles on my desk, etc. However, I'm beginning to feel anxious about everything else still to do. The moment the word anxious penetrated my mind, God reminded me of one of my most favorite memory verses that He taught me earlier this year...

"Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus." Philippian 4:6-7

I'm so thankful for God's Word. I've really dug deep this year to memorize more and more of His beautiful Word, and to "hide it in my heart". He never fails to remind me of His promises when I need to hear them most. So, with that said...I'm renewing my mind right now with thoughts of Him and His faithfulness, and I'm going to bed - trusting I will enter a restful sleep very soon! Be blessed!

1 comment:

  1. Ha ha... okay, the Holy Spirit a work again. :o) I have seen these new posts in my inbox for a while, but just now took the time to read them. And this one spoke to me. Although I am anxious for other reasons (work, housing, life in general, and what will be happening in the immediate future), God pulled me to this post to remind me. I love this verse and needed to hear it again. :o) There is so much to be thankful for and even though I have sorrow and worry in my heart now, I need to take time to rejoice and give thanks for all the gifts God has given me. It might help ease the sorrow and worry just a little. Thanks, Leah! :o)
