Saturday, January 8, 2011

This is One Contest I Want to Win BADLY!

I know I've already posted today - my 8th consecutive daily post out of a planned 40! So, why am I here again...twice on the same day you may ask? Well, simply put...I'm here because of CHARLIE and APRIL. Sure enough...Charlie and April caused me to come back again tonight and write some more. Well, those girls AND the fantastic giveaway they're offering. This one is for a blog makeover! know what? I need one! Allow me to elaborate...

I'm 38-years-old (for a few more weeks, that is), and I'm a passionate Jesus girl! I'm the wife of the most precious man in the world and the mother of a dahling teenage girl - both have captured my heart for life! I work full-time, speak part-time, "play makeup" with some fun pink ladies part-time, write in my spare time, think about Africa all the time, and hang out with girlfriends, and we have a BIG time! On top of that, I'm passionate about God and His Word and "doing life" with the people whose paths are crossed with mine! This blog is simply an expression of ALL of that! It's a place to share, to vent (a little), to confess, to encourage, to love, to laugh, and prayerfully...TO BLESS! I want this to be a place a know the kind, where you can hopefully stop in a get a refreshing drink and then can move on with the rest of your day. Above all...I want to be real with you, to be authentic about this journey called life that we're all on together. And...I want it to be a place where we can CONNECT! I love that about the blogging community most of all.

Hence, that's why I need a blog makeover. I want you to keep coming back. I don't want you to tire of looking at the same background over and over and over and get the idea. I want it to look refreshing, fun, aesthetically pleasing to the eye! But, you know what? I have no knowledge of how to do my own redesign, no time to do it even if I did, no spare dough to pay somebody to do it at the moment, and it would be the best birthday present EVAH for my final year in the thankful thirties! :-)

Honestly, I blog because I love to write. I blog because I love people and the connections I've made here. And...I'll keep blogging to share the love of Christ and the amazing way he's taken my messed up life and redeemed it for His glory! And...I'll keep on doing it with my same old background. But, wouldn't it just be the SWEETEST to win this contest? Yep...I tend to agree!

1 comment:

  1. Leah, you are SUCH an encourager! I love that about you!!!
    Good luck, hon! (I can't be partial to anyone, cause I love you all! You all make this journey better for me!!!)
