Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Wait and Become...

Competitive. Ambitious. Driven. Competitive. Motivated. Determined. Competitive. Passionate. Emotional. Competitive. Some words that define me...competitive being the common denominator in this grouping. Yes, I'm very competitive. Just ask my family, and they'll back me up on that one. Now, don't get me wrong - I'm not competitive in the bloodthirsty sort of way - just in the spirited, ready for action sort of way. As a matter of fact, whenever I have what I deem to be a "brilliant" idea that I'm ready to run with, I tend to work hard at it with all gusto until I either (1) succeed, or (2) burn out while waiting to succeed. Patience is not my virtue, in all honesty. But, I'm working on that.

Lately, I feel like my competition has been ME! I'm constantly competing against me for time, energy, emotion, creativity, etc. Part of me wants to go, go, go all the time. The other part says "slow down, girl". This past summer was, lets just say...challenging. It was full of wonderful, amazing things...a mission trip to Africa, a new job, a women's speaking conference to name a few. And each of these things gave me ideas that I just NEW I had to get started at right away. I was anxious, ready for action...a bit spirited. Then...I waited. Nothing. I waited a little longer. Still nothing. Maybe I had it all wrong. Maybe God was trying to tell me "no". I was ready! But, apparently God had other plans that produced a bit of delay. Then I was reminded of one of the most beautiful things I learned this summer from speaker, writer, and all around amazing woman of God, Angela Thomas. As she so eloquently shared, "While waiting, BECOME the woman who's ready when He says NOW!"

WOW! Let that resonate for a minute...

"While waiting, BECOME the woman (or man) who's ready when He says NOW!"

Sometimes, the miracle occurs during the process. Sometimes God's light is brighter while waiting. The problem comes when we don't slow down long enough to see Him shining or listen to Him speaking or feel His nudging and direction. Then, we miss Him all together.

Friends, I challenge you..."while waiting, become the woman (or man or child) who's ready when He says now!"

If waiting for a new job...become that employee...

If waiting for your house to sell...become that home closer...

If waiting for a new baby...become that new parent...

If waiting for a healing...become that healed person...

If waiting for a prodigal...become that forgiving family member...

If waiting for a miracle...become that miracle recipient...

"Faith is the confidence that what we hope for will actually happen; it gives us assurance about things we cannot see." Hebrews 11:1 NLT

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